Alex Jones and free speech

Depends on how its done, no? If you put forward a theory for holocaust denial you may or may not be banned, but if you denied the holocaust and then incited your audience to call out the ‘fake’ survivors you’d surely be banned.

Fair enough. Censoring nothing is a consistent position at least lol, and who knows the pros may outweigh the cons.


This guy is a prime example of why my faith in mankind and its survival is shrinking…

We are going backwards with Trumps, Putins, Erdogan and extremism smashing its way back into the mainstream just like in the earlier part of the century and evil cunts like Jones are able to sprout hate filled vile and get away with it.


I remember watching Alex Jones before he went full on mental. He used to be good.

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And now banned from Twitter.

Also Apple removed his app off their stores.

This is hilarious.

Downloaded his app from playstore to watch their reaction.

Let us know what happens.

I couldn’t stand it so I uninstalled it in 10 mins.

His app is not just him but several other loud mouths doing their thing.

Saw this on Twitter. Good summary.