Arsenal sign five year kit deal with Adidas from 2019

Happy with PUMA but if we have to change Adidas would be my choice. They probably want a London team now they have lost Chelsea and I imagine they would pay big money for it.


I don’t want Adidas. Our shirts would be even more similar to Ajax especially with the stripes. Keep with Puma I’d say. At least it’s different.

dont give a fuck about who we are with really, the only thing i am concerned with is


Officially I don’t care but I absolutely reserve the right to complain when I don’t like one of their kits.


Bruised banana kit incoming

Realistically I don’t actually care who makes our kit we should go with whoever pays the most

Adidas is fine by me. Anything but New Balance, Hummel, Macron, Joomla and Nike.

Why not Kappa? They used to make nice kits.

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According to wiki their annual turnover is approx 110m.


Puma are the nuts. Fuck Adidas.

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Doubt they can compete with the likes of Adidas & Puma but Umbro would be cool, they make great kits imo.


Don’t really care who makes the kit to be honest, unless their factory can also produce some world class talent to wear it!

If you abuse enough little Indonesians, who knows…

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Those fucking Roma kits were the best ever for any team in history. God damn.

I’d love some old school Kappa.

I also really like Hummel too, you’re just a racist swede.

I like Puma, I think they’ve done some really nice kits for us and they prioritise us too, as their biggest team. I like that. I wouldn’t mind Adidas though, that would be a nice move and if it gave us more money that would be even better. I’m just worried they’d treat us like shit because we aren’t Real or Chelsea and go the same way as Nike did the last few years for us.


Adidas would be amazing, financially and aesthetically.

As long as we don’t see those Select balls that go oval after a few kicks :japanese_ogre:

Genuine question, what do you mean about them treating us like shit? Like, what are the negative effects of not being considered their priority?

Well they clearly didn’t give a fuck about out kits from about 2008 onwards.

We got some horrible kits and you could see they just weren’t putting any effort in or putting their top designers on it because we weren’t raking in the trophies.

Just because we aren’t winning the CL every season doesn’t mean we don’t deserve a nice kit lol

They only made the nice yellow and blue one in their last season as a goodbye. So they had it in them to make amazing kits but just couldn’t be fucked most of the time because we weren’t Chelsea or Barcelona.


I want this man banned!!!

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They pretty much just used the same design over and over.

For instance our way kit from 2011/12

was used by Mainz 05 the season after

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Yeah exactly, they put no effort into us.

I thought template kits were par for the course. Back in 03/04 at the height of our powers our home kit was a template, Brazil and Inter plus many others all had the same basic kit design just with different colours.

Can’t say I’d really noticed this become a particular problem in the later years of Nike, but fair enough. I’d take more of the same if it meant and extra £20m a year from someone else other than Puma.

Also, Mainz getting our recycled designs isn’t an example of then putting no thought into us, it’s an example of them putting no thought into Mainz, which doesn’t bother me at all lol