Arsène Wenger

no Arsenal become Arsenal again when the prick eventually takes the hint and leaves

only way Arsenal will become what you think is Arsenal is if Arsenal would open its anus for a sugar daddy to be capable of competing with plastic clubs.

2 titles in what 25 years. Some dominance.

And here we go with this bollocks again :arteta:

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Deep down you know its true.

Why didn’t you start the count from 1989 out of curiosity ? As that’s more relevant.

Fine 2 titles in 8 years. Some dominance

Also that tally is not far off Wenger’s count as things stand lol.

I don’t recall any Arsenal manager during that time having to deal with stadium building & debt management.

I don’t understand how this guy still has fans. I fucking hate him. He’s no arsenal legend

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There goes every bit of credibility you had.

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Would you say Cruyff built Barca up like Wenger did Arsenal?

I would, I think Cruyff did more for Barca than Wenger did Arsenal but similar I guess wouldn’t you agree?

But Real Madrid change managers about as often as some people change their underwear.

At Arsenal he has the safest job in Europe and is the only manager who has had the luxury of choosing when he leaves.

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14 YEARS AGO :joy:

Safe but less rewarding.

Can you tell me with straight face that if a Mourinho, Ferguson, Ancelotti, Van Gaal or any top manager were our manager in 2005 and they were asked “Hey listen, we are going to build a stadium and the resulting debt would mean we won’t be able to spend much money on transfer and infact you may have to sell players from time to time to balance the books, would you like to stick around?”

Would they have said yes? Would they have been loyal to the club?

That’s a truly ludicrous statement.

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and still no one has replicated it.

Who gives a fuck? It hasn’t been to our advantage so his loyalty counts for absolutely nothing.

Also the bit in Bold is fantasy.

Pls answer my question from last post

I don’t know.