The Grand Tour/Top Gear

Launch date announced. :slight_smile:


People actually use that service?

Yep, the service apparently makes up more than half of Amazon’s customer base, I don’t know if they’d sell the show to other networks in the future or a subscription would be the only way to watch it, in all cases I’m sure it’d make its way to torrent sites.

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Oh brilliant, Top Gear’s back!!! :grin: :grin:

Seriously though that looks fucking sick.

Great news…cannot wait…Just love these guys…

I used to have amazon prime. Didn’t think it was that great. I now use Kodi.

Excited for this though!

Only two more months then. That’ll fit in nicely when all the racings done for the season :slight_smile:

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Haha. The trailer is better than the whole last series of Top Gear.

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The best bit about top gear was the road trips. Good to see that’s sorely what the new show is :slight_smile:

This looks fucking incredible

Out this Friday in UK, US, Germany & Japan. ROW in December.

Watched the first episode. Thought the tent studio bits were a bit shit. :frowning: The clip bits felt like Top Gear though.

Thought it was fucking awesome

My TV broke last week so i got a new one and streamed this yesterday in glorious ultra HD. I think it was the greatest day of my life.


Watching it in 4k was an hour long orgasm, wasn’t it?

Shame we didn’t see more of the ‘holy trinity’ imo, especially the Ferrari as they kept mugging James off for Ferrari’s rules.

I do think the boys were rightly calling out Ferrari, a couple of passive aggressive jabs at them being even more annoying to deal with since McLaren came on the scene imo.


I thought it was pretty piss poor. Was expecting big things from the build up and the money involved making it. Will watch another episode to see if I can be swayed but so far it all seems a bit over the top and pointless.

Didn’t bother with connecting to TV, so watch it on laptop which is good enough at 1080p.
Man that was a beautiful episode.

Never watched Top Gear but the controversy made me check out this show.
Ended up binge watching it. (Just got Amazon Prime membership for a bargain)

Love it especially the ‘Moroccan roll’.

The battleship game was brilliant.

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